Jon Shirek
WOODSTOCK, Ga. -- A family in Woodstock, who just lost their home of 20 years to foreclosure and are preparing to move out, lost even more on Wednesday.
And it was because of what they triggered when they posted a craigslist ad Tuesday night.
Their online post was just a well-meaning ad for a giveaway in their driveway outside the small house, a giveaway scheduled to begin at 10 a.m. Wednesday.
But big crowds showed up and ended up taking practically everything inside the house, too.
Jon Shirek
WOODSTOCK, Ga. -- A family in Woodstock, who just lost their home of 20 years to foreclosure and are preparing to move out, lost even more on Wednesday.
And it was because of what they triggered when they posted a craigslist ad Tuesday night.
Their online post was just a well-meaning ad for a giveaway in their driveway outside the small house, a giveaway scheduled to begin at 10 a.m. Wednesday.
But big crowds showed up and ended up taking practically everything inside the house, too.