Think you might have the oldest refrigerator in the PPL service area, or maybe in the entire state?
Time is growing short to find out and possibly win a prize to boot.
PPL Electric Utilities customers have until the end of August to recycle their old, energy-guzzling icebox and automatically be entered into the oldest refrigerator contest being run by JACO Environmental and other utilities around the state, including PPL Electric Utilities. Some vintage units have already been recycled.
The PPL Electric Utilities customer who recycles the oldest refrigerator in the utility's service territory will win a $250 gift card. That unit will then compete with iceboxes recycled by other utilities in the state for a $1,000 gift card and the honor of being deemed the state's oldest refrigerator. Winners will be announced in September.
Many older, inefficient refrigerators sit in garages and basements, sometimes just chilling a lone case of soda or beer. "Recycling these energy hogs saves energy and money, and with this contest, there is the added possibility of winning a prize," said Maureen Fenerty, the PPL Electric Utilities customer programs specialist coordinating the appliance recycling program. "The contest has been under way since April, and we've seen a good number of real relics come into the JACO appliance recycling center. The contest is an added incentive to the $35 customers already receive when they recycle their refrigerator or freezer."
Recycling and contest details can be found at or by calling 1-877-270-3522.
Since the appliance recycling program started in late 2009, more than 40,000 refrigerators have been recycled by PPL Electric Utilities customers. Most of the materials in refrigerators and freezers - about 95 percent - is recycled and not sent to a landfill.
To date, it's estimated that the entire PPL Electric Utilities appliance recycling program has saved more than 58,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity, enough to power more than five homes for an entire year.