City Mayor Linda D. Thompson swore in seven new police officers and inaugurated the Bureau of Police Volunteer Chaplain Services Team to accompany police offices and provide crime scene assistance as needed to victims and families impacted by crime.
“This is one of those great occasions when all of us in city government can come together and take great pride in Harrisburg’s finest – our men and women, sworn and civilian - who serve our community with distinction in the City of Harrisburg,” Mayor Thompson told the pack crowd in the Martin Luther King, Jr., Government Center Atrium today.
The ceremonies were conducted by Police Captain Colin Cleary with Mayor Thompson, City Councilwoman Eugenia Smith, Chief Pierre Ritter, Captain Elijah Massey, and Captain Annette Oates attending.
Seven new officers were sworn in and joined the Bureau of Police and 16 chaplains took an oath to serve citizens of Harrisburg impacted by crime without regard to race, religion, gender or sexual preference.
“It is essential that we provide crime scene counseling and related services as needed and apart from the law enforcement activities,” Mayor Thompson commented.
“Working closely with city law enforcement officers, these volunteer Chaplains will provide on site assistance and support to victims of crime and their families.”
City Police Chief Pierre Ritter said the officers will expand the bureau’s contingency at an important time in the city’s history. “We welcome these young officers into the city and we look forward to adding another seven or eight new officers later in the year.”