The York County Commissioners, in coordination with the Office of Emergency Management, are urging residents to take steps now to prepare for Hurricane Sandy.
Forecasters are predicting the storm could affect York County for several days, beginning on Sunday night. Flooding, strong winds and extended power outages are possible.
“Residents need to take advantage of the calm before the storm,” said Mike Fetrow, director of the Office of Emergency Management. “Now is the time to make preparations.”
Fetrow noted York County is not immune to the impact of hurricanes and tropical storms.
For example, more than $16 million in federal aid poured into York County due to damage caused by Tropical Storm Lee last year, according to figures provided to the Office of Emergency Management.
Preparations underway at the York County Office of Emergency Management include:
- Staying in regular communication with the state, forecasters and other authorities regarding the conditions
- Disseminating information to municipalities and local emergency management coordinators to ensure they're informed.
- Identifying and coordinating resources that may be needed in York County in response to the storm.
- Preparing to collect damage information for reimbursement should it become available after the storm
Residents should:
· Make sure to clear storm drains of leaves and other debris. Clogged storm drains can cause road flooding.
· Clear gutters and downspouts of debris.
· Maintain a kit of enough provisions to sustain all residents in a home for at least 72 hours.
o These kits should include: a portable radio, flashlight, extra batteries, food, a non-electric can opener (if kit contains canned food), bottled water, first aid kit, prescription medication or other individual needs and copies of important family documents such as insurance policies and identification.
· Create an emergency communications plan to make sure everyone in the family knows how to respond in an emergency. The plan should include: what to do in power outages, how to turn off utilities and what to do in the event of an evacuation (including where to meet and whom to contact if separated).
- Learn the elevation level of your property and whether the land is flood-prone. This will help you know how your property might be affected due to flooding.
- Remove dead trees and dead tree limbs and evaluate the health of any trees near enough to fall on your (or your neighbor's) house
- Bring in outdoor furniture, garbage cans and other items that aren’t tied down.
The Commissioners also urge residents to review insurance policies for adequate coverage.
Damage caused by rising water is not covered by homeowners or business insurance policies. Flood insurance coverage must be purchased separately. Most insurance companies and licensed insurance agents handle flood insurance policies.
For more information on how to prepare, residents should visit or