The Sandy Hook shooting tragedy has left many school districts focusing on their security plans.
York County School District sent out emails and robo-calls to parents informing them of security measures and some took it a step further.
As you can imagine, that tragedy hit close to home and officials with York City Schools stress, safety is their top priority.
As flags are set at half staff, there were some teary eyes inside York City Schools on Monday. A day when those inside the schools are wearing green to remember those lost in the Sandy Hook shootings.
It’s also a time York City Schools Superintendent Deborah Wartham meets with her director of security.
“This is an ongoing process for us. We know things like this happen,” Wortham told CBS 21. “We are constantly working on maneuvers so to prepare students and families as they came back from the weekend.”
“We did a robo-call for the parents to reassure them, we are working with 25 security staff,” Wortham continued. “I feel so strongly about this group of professionals that they report directly to me. When visiting any school visitors must present valid ID.”
York City Schools Security Director watched the coverage and went into work mode.
“I wanted to know what, why and how we needed to do differently,” the Security Director told us. Taken away and while security is the big topic, counseling is too.”
“We believe very strongly in the role of the counselor and relationship teachers and administration for students,” Superintendent Wortham told us.
York City Schools were among several schools in the county to reach out to parents.
Northeastern school district sent a long letter to parents outlining their procedures and how to talk about the Sandy Hook tragedy with the kids.
York County School District sent out emails and robo-calls to parents informing them of security measures and some took it a step further.
As you can imagine, that tragedy hit close to home and officials with York City Schools stress, safety is their top priority.
As flags are set at half staff, there were some teary eyes inside York City Schools on Monday. A day when those inside the schools are wearing green to remember those lost in the Sandy Hook shootings.
It’s also a time York City Schools Superintendent Deborah Wartham meets with her director of security.
“This is an ongoing process for us. We know things like this happen,” Wortham told CBS 21. “We are constantly working on maneuvers so to prepare students and families as they came back from the weekend.”
“We did a robo-call for the parents to reassure them, we are working with 25 security staff,” Wortham continued. “I feel so strongly about this group of professionals that they report directly to me. When visiting any school visitors must present valid ID.”
York City Schools Security Director watched the coverage and went into work mode.
“I wanted to know what, why and how we needed to do differently,” the Security Director told us. Taken away and while security is the big topic, counseling is too.”
“We believe very strongly in the role of the counselor and relationship teachers and administration for students,” Superintendent Wortham told us.
York City Schools were among several schools in the county to reach out to parents.
Northeastern school district sent a long letter to parents outlining their procedures and how to talk about the Sandy Hook tragedy with the kids.