The current price of a forever stamp is 45 cents, but coming up next year the price will raise to 46 cents, hopefully making the post office more money and keeping mail services available.
"I like letters - I like to get a letter because it looks like you really care about me, you took time to write to me, because it does take time." Elsie Miller bought 100 stamps at the post office today, and she says she's not bothered by the price of forever stamps going up as long as her mail still gets from point A to point B.
Internet and social media have changed the world of communication - but the post office off of 7th street in Harrisburg says they still see people sending mail.
While there are still people heading to the post office, many people are heading online.
The post office lost over 5-billion dollars last year and is continuing to see more losses.
Washington says, "Instead of writing a letter I can type it out, and spell check is there so I don't have to open up the dictionary. Umm but… I guess mail is a little more personal."
The price of forever stamps will remain at 45 cents until January 27th when the price will go up by 1 cent.
"If that's what they have to do to keep the post office open so I can get stamps? Then I'm all for it.""I know we're going through a lot of stamps where we are constantly ordering stamps right now." said Tim Kubiak, Supervisor of Customer Service. Alashia Washington prefers the internet over mail, "Everything is really ya know, Facebook, twitter, emails - I don't use the mail."